Join us for our annual Recognition Awards and Charity Ball as we recognise some of the people and organisations that have made a significant difference to our vitally important service.
Your ticket will include a drinks reception, three course meal and live entertainment.
For further information email jo.bailey@midlandsairambulance.com
Award Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Sponsorship Packages
Gold / Award Sponsor
- Drinks reception
- A table of ten
- Marketing of your brand as an award sponsor
- Inclusion of logo on all marketing materials, print and online
- Your logo on the award winner’s video
- Full page advert in the commemorative brochure
- Presentation of one of the nine awards
- Branding on the night – logo and credit on screens
- Full access to VIP area for pre-drinks
- Drinks package on your the table
Silver Package
- Drinks reception
- A table of ten
- Drinks package on your the table
- Full page advert in the event programme
- Access to Genting Casino
Bronze Package
- Drinks reception
- A table of ten
- Half page advert in the event programme
- Access to Genting Casino
Partner Package
- Drinks reception
- A table of ten
- Partner company logo acknowledgement listing in the event programme
- Access to Genting Casino
For further information email jo.bailey@midlandsairambulance.com