It has been brought to our attention that some of our supporters have been entering Property Lotto believing that they are supporting Midlands Air Ambulance Charity.
Midlands Air Ambulance Charity would like to make it known to the public, that we have no affiliation or commercial agreement with an organisation called or trading as Property Lotto. The charity has never directly received any donations from Property Lotto.
If any supporters of the charity have engaged in the services of Property Lotto on the assumption that Midlands Air Ambulance Charity will receive some sort of benefit, it is with regret that we have to inform you that this is not the case.
We have requested on several occasions that Property Lotto remove images of the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity helicopter and response car from its website. Unfortunately, this request has not been completed, so we will continue to seek legal advice on the matter.
Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact Mr Vic Younis of Wall James Chappell solicitors on 01384 371622.